Do you ever feel like everything that you do or feel is wrong?

Have you ever told yourself that you should be handling your grief better?

On the flip side, have you ever told yourself that you’re handling your grief too well…that you shouldn’t be happy or that you must be in denial?

I’ve done both. I get it.

But here’s the thing: there is no such thing as doing grief wrong.

My favorite definition of grief is that grief is the natural response to a perceived loss. Grief is not an emotion – grief is an experience that encompasses all of the emotions.

The average person thinks somewhere around 60,000 thoughts each day. Those thoughts create their emotions.

When someone is grieving, it is very likely that some of their thoughts will make them feel sad, heartbroken, lonely, anxious, or depressed.

It’s also possible that they may think certain thoughts that make them feel positive emotions like joy, love, or gratitude.

In grief (and in life in general), all emotions are 100% normal and valid.

Stop telling yourself that you’re doing grief wrong.  That isn’t a thing.

Whatever you’re feeling is EXACTLY what you’re supposed to be feeling. How do we know?

Because that’s how you feel.