You had a brilliant idea for a blog, so you recently started your own website.
You wrote amazing content, picked an awesome layout, and shared your articles on your social media accounts. You built your brand and waited for readers to arrive.
Or perhaps you’ve been blogging for a while now and you’ve tried a variety of different strategies to increase your page views. You’ve tried everything, but nothing seems that effective.
Maybe you’ve seen some initial spikes in traffic but then you hit the dreaded plateau. You feel like you’ve hit some kind of invisible ceiling you just can’t break through.
I’ve been there.
It’s SO frustrating when you pour your heart and soul into something and you feel like you aren’t gaining any traction.
I’ve learned a lot about blogging over the past few years, and there are a few common reasons why your blog isn’t getting the traffic you want to see.
*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Read our full disclosure policy here.
You’re Ignoring Pinterest
The single most effective way to drive massive traffic to your website (for free) is with Pinterest. Unlike other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest is a search engine. Users go to Pinterest specifically to look for content.
When I first started blogging, I found Pinterest frustrating, so I didn’t use it much. My traffic was very low. After I started really putting in an effort with Pinterest, my traffic skyrocketed. I use Tailwind to schedule my pins and it’s SO worth it!
Tailwind allowed me to go from zero to 30,000 page views per month and climbing.
Your Pins are Ugly
Users go to Pinterest specifically looking for content, but keep in mind that they are overwhelmed with THOUSANDS of pins to scroll through. They’ll ignore most of them. To get them to click, you need a visually appealing pin.
I use Canva (for free) to create my pins.
A good pin includes a mix of regular font and script font. Feminine colors (like pink) tend to do well on Pinterest. I use pink, blue, and black for the font on most of my pins.

A terrible pin! It’s ugly and you can hardly read it.
Pins should ALWAYS be vertical and large. Your font also should be large enough that it can be easily read. No one is even going to notice an unreadable pin.
Designing pins doesn’t come naturally to me at all, so I totally understand if you find this process frustrating! I get it. It will get easier with practice. Just keep trying!
There’s still plenty of room for improvement with my pins, but they’ve come a LONG way from where they used to be.
My advice?
Scroll through your feed and see which images stand out to you. What is it about those that caught your eye? The colors? The font style? The font size? The background images?
Figure out what catches your eye and what doesn’t. Aim to create pins that will be eye catching.
Here’s an example of a better pin. This pin is pretty, eye catching, and easy to read.
Your Blog Post Titles are Boring
In addition to being visually appealing, a good pin needs an interesting title.
Your pin title should:
- Solve a problem that your audience has.
- Create a sense of urgency and/or curiosity.
- Be interesting and unique.
- Be relevant to the blog post.
A “clickbait” title is perfectly okay as long as you deliver in the blog post.
Always avoid boring titles. “10 Ways to Save Money on Groceries” solves a common problem (spending too much money on groceries) that my readers have, but it’s too boring.
There are thousands of articles like this already out there. Why would a Pinterest user be motivated to click on mine?
Here’s a better title: “10 Money Saving Grocery Hacks You Haven’t Heard Of”. This creates curiosity. Now, the reader thinks they’re going to get new information that they’ve never heard before and they want to know what it is.
Here are a few more examples! The bad titles are boring, whereas the good ones create a sense of urgency and curiosity.
Bad Title: 5 Frugality Myths
Good Title: 5 Myths About Frugality that You Need to Stop Believing
Bad Title: How to Juice on a Budget
Good Title: Juicing on a Budget? Here’s What You Need to Know
Bad Title: 5 Money Saving Apps
Good Title: 5 Free Money Saving Apps You’ve Never Heard Of
Here’s a pin I recently shared that went viral. What made this pin so popular?
The title is short and to the point, but it creates curiosity. Many personal finance bloggers (and readers) swear by Dave Ramsey’s principles, so a post disagreeing with Dave sparks interest.
In addition, the pin is visually appealing. It includes two interesting images of Dave that are both eye catching. This may also motivate someone to click on the pin.
Exploding Traffic with Pinterest
Pinterest has a unique ability to drive massive amounts of traffic to your website if you use it to its fullest potential. I understand just how frustrating Pinterest can be!
I took Pinterest Traffic Avalanche earlier this year, and it had a HUGE impact on my traffic. I’m super frugal, so I only pay for a blogging class when I know I’ll receive a large ROI for my blog.
PTA is taught by Alex and Lauren, the bloggers behind the mega popular blogs Avocadu and Create and Go. They earn six figures each month through blogging and are able to travel the world since they can work from anywhere!
How amazing is that?!
They credit their success to the massive traffic they’ve been able to generate through Pinterest.
In Pinterest Traffic Avalanche, you’ll learn:
- How to create stunning pins with Canva.
- Everything you need to know about Pinterest SEO.
- How to use Tailwind for Pinterest successfully.
- How to avoid Pinterest jail.
- How to use Pinterest group boards to maximize reach.
- About Pinterest updates and algorithm changes (Alex & Lauren regularly update the course with new information).
- And so much more!
If you’re hesitant to spend $197 on a Pinterest class (especially if you’re new to blogging), I TOTALLY get it. I felt the same way, but this class was absolutely worth it!
I learned so much, and my Pinterest traffic has skyrocketed as a result.
Sign up for Pinterest Traffic Avalanche now and start exploding your traffic!
Thanks for such a detailed post. I am a new blogger and do not have that money to invest in myself. I will def keep it in mind so that when I make a few bucks I’ll be able to invest in myself. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for reading!