I’ve never liked the phrase “too blessed to be stressed”.

I get the point.

Most of us (who live in middle class suburban neighborhoods in a first world country) are so much more blessed than we realize and we spend a lot of time complaining about things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things.

If thinking about how you’re “too blessed to be stressed” makes you feel more grateful or less irritated by minor inconveniences, that’s awesome. Think about it that way if it’s helpful for you.

What bothers me about the phrase is that implies that blessed people should never feel stressed…which is absurd.

I love the concept of 50/50 that Brooke Castillo teaches. She says life is 50/50 – half negative, half positive.

No matter how wealthy, successful, or blessed you are, life will still suck half the time…because that’s how life is when you live on an imperfect planet with a bunch of imperfect people.

If thinking about how you’re “too blessed to be stressed” makes you mad at yourself (because you think you should be grateful and perfectly happy 100% of the time), I don’t think it’s a useful mindset.

If you start feeling ashamed or frustrated with yourself, you’re (ironically) only going to feel worse.

Here’s a mindset I prefer:


It’s not either/or.

It’s both/and… and that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be.