7 Wedding Items to Skip Completely

7 Wedding Items to Skip Completely

The average wedding in the US costs a ridiculous $30,000.  There are many ways to cut costs on every aspect of the wedding, but there are some things that can just be skipped entirely.  Not-so-frugal friends or relatives may try to convince you that these things are...
My Summer Bucket List

My Summer Bucket List

Every year I make a bucket list – a list of things I’d like to have accomplished by the end of the year.  To make it a little easier to keep track of, I’ve decided to start breaking down the list by season.  Here’s my summer bucket list!...
9 Reasons Why I Love Yoga

9 Reasons Why I Love Yoga

A few months ago, I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried yoga for the first time.  I was surprised to find that I love yoga.  Yoga is awesome, and you should try it too.  Here’s why. Yoga is nonjudgmental and not competitive. The first time I tried yoga, I...
6 Ways to Save Money on Your Honeymoon

6 Ways to Save Money on Your Honeymoon

A honeymoon is a wonderful way to relax and enjoy time alone with your new spouse after all of the stress of wedding planning is over.  The most important part of a honeymoon is spending quality time with the one you love – it doesn’t need to cost a fortune to...
5 Unexpected Results of Adopting a Plant-Based Diet

5 Unexpected Results of Adopting a Plant-Based Diet

During my last semester of college, I began taking a medication that has the unfortunate side effect of increasing appetite.  I constantly felt like I was starving no matter how much I ate.  It’s not surprising that I rapidly gained 40 pounds.  Several months ago, I...
Let’s Stop Rewarding Ourselves with Excess

Let’s Stop Rewarding Ourselves with Excess

We’ve all been there. You’ve had a terrible day. You say “I’ve worked hard today.  I want to treat myself.  I deserve a pepperoni pizza [or a double fudge brownie or a BLT or a French fry coated battered hot dog on a stick].” Or maybe you pull out the credit card and...