Quick & Easy DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

Quick & Easy DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

I love saving money in pretty much any way I can.  Still, I’ll admit that every time I come across an article about how to make DIY cleaning or beauty products, I skip over it. However this is a simple quick & easy DIY homemade laundry detergent that is easy to...
10 Cheap & Fun Winter Activities

10 Cheap & Fun Winter Activities

Winter may seem like a good time to hibernate inside and binge watch Netflix (especially if you’re trying not to spend money), but there actually are a ton of fun things that can be done for free during the snowy winter months.  Staying active and spending some time...
Minimalism Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Minimalism Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Today, Heather Shue (a fellow Minnesotan who blogs at Simply Save) is sharing her thoughts on minimalism!  Enjoy! ~~~  When people hear the word “minimalism” I think they sometimes picture a person who lives in an empty echoing apartment, with bare white walls, and...
How to Write an Awesome Resume

How to Write an Awesome Resume

One of the biggest challenges that millennials face is finding a job after finishing college.  The average student graduates with $30,000 of student loan debt, which makes the pressure to find a “good” job quite high. Many recent grads lack relevant experience in...
11 Ways to Save Money in 2016

11 Ways to Save Money in 2016

Hi there, frugal millennials! I’m excited to share this guest post with you from Andy, who writes at PennyLess Dad. Andy hit rock bottom a couple of years ago when he decided to file for bankruptcy. Since then, Andy and his wife have left that dark period behind and...
Frugal Friday Roundup: The 20 Best Frugality Blogs

Frugal Friday Roundup: The 20 Best Frugality Blogs

If you’re reading this, odds are that you’re a cash-strapped millennial trying to find ways to improve your net worth – through saving money, increasing income, and/or paying off debt.  I think my blog is a great resource for all of these things, but...