Frugal Tip: Review Your Paychecks

Frugal Tip: Review Your Paychecks

Have you happened to review your paychecks in the past year? You work hard for your money, and you deserve to keep it all (aside from taxes and deductions).  Most HR/payroll professionals are highly detailed-oriented (if they weren’t, they wouldn’t last too long in...
9 Ways to Get Free Yoga Classes

9 Ways to Get Free Yoga Classes

I love yoga.  It’s challenging and has numerous physical benefits – it makes you more flexible, it makes stretching easier, and it strengthens your muscles.  It has plenty of mental benefits as well.  I leave yoga feeling centered, calm, and refreshed. The first time...
How to Ditch Your Student Loans with Debt Snowball

How to Ditch Your Student Loans with Debt Snowball

When you think about your student loans do you feel anxious, depressed, or trapped?  Does it infuriate you when you review your bill and realize that only about 50% of your payments are going toward the principal balance, while the remainder is going to interest?...
Save Money on Clothes

Save Money on Clothes

Life’s necessities call for ongoing spending. Food, housing, transportation and other basic needs comprise the nuts and bolts of most budgets, as well as clothing, which represents another perennial spending category. Fortunately, although you can’t do...
How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse About Money

How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse About Money

My husband and I share many common interests, but our personalities are polar opposites in numerous ways.  He’s messy, creative, and often takes a laid-back “I’ll do it later” approach that annoys me to no end.  I’m an analytical, organized, type-A neat freak. It’s no...