Why I’m Breaking My Three Year Spending Ban

Why I’m Breaking My Three Year Spending Ban

I’m breaking my three year spending ban in an enormous way… my hubby and I are adopting a pug puppy in June.  We both adore pugs, and we’ve wanted to adopt one for a long time.  Our original plan was to wait a few years until all of our student loans are paid off and...
I Wore Sweatpants to Work, and No One Cared

I Wore Sweatpants to Work, and No One Cared

I wore sweatpants to work last week, and no one cared.  No, I do not work from home and this is not going to be a post about how awesome it is to work from home.  I work a full-time 9 to 5 job in an office.  But I wore sweatpants to work last week – something I’ve...
May Goals

May Goals

The weather is finally warming up (we get about 9 months of winter and 3 months of summer in Minnesota), so I’m excited for May!  Some of my May goals are a bit different from prior months. One thing that has been bothering me a lot lately is that I have pretty...
Month in Review: April 2016

Month in Review: April 2016

*Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. I’m going to be changing up the format of my monthly goals and review posts.  I used to just list off all of the goals I had for the month and whether or not I met them.  I get so frustrated with myself when I...
An Open Letter to Generation Z

An Open Letter to Generation Z

Dear Generation Z, I’m here to tell you some things you probably don’t want to hear.  I am not your parent.  I’m not going to tell you that “you can be anything you want to be”, that you should follow your dreams, or that working hard in school is the key to a bright...
How to Eat Clean on a Tight Budget

How to Eat Clean on a Tight Budget

Several months ago, I decided to lose 50 pounds (and I’ve lost 35 so far!).  I was sick and tired of gaining more and more weight.  I knew that if I didn’t make some major changes to my lifestyle, I would keep putting on the pounds. started exercising 5-7 times per...