Don’t let yourself drown in debt! If you owe a lot of money to creditors or the IRS, getting out might seem impossible – but it’s not. If you’re ready to regain your financial freedom, you need a plan for doing it. We’ve compiled a step by step guide for you to follow...
“You are the sum of the five people with whom you spend the most time.” Have you ever heard this idea? A LOT of people seem to believe this, and I understand where they’re coming from. It is true that human beings DO have a tendency to mirror one another. If...
“When I argue with reality, I suffer.” – Byron Katie Byron Katie is an author who has written several bestselling books, including Loving What Is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life. Katie says that suffering comes from our thoughts, and she offers a four-step...
Have you ever heard the phrase “emotions are contagious”? I majored in psychology and this idea that emotions are contagious is something that I remember very well from my classes. The idea is that if somebody else is in a bad mood or a good mood, that will “rub off”...
When you think of self-care, what comes to mind? Do you think about massages, mani pedis, and bubble baths? Those things are all great, but to me, those things are not truly self-care. Self-care is about taking care of your mental health and your mind. If the voice in...
Do you ever feel like everything that you do or feel is wrong? Have you ever told yourself that you should be handling your grief better? On the flip side, have you ever told yourself that you’re handling your grief too well…that you shouldn’t be happy or that you...
“The things you learn are so important. You can lose your house to a hurricane or lose your job during a corporate restructuring, but what you learn can never be taken from you.” When someone said this recently, I was surprised by how sad I felt. I understand what...
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