Your thoughts create your life.
Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and unfulfilled? Most of the advice you’ll find online can be helpful to a point, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue – your thoughts.
Okay, so if my thought patterns are the problem, HOW do I change them? My mission with this blog is to help you do just that – here you’ll find practical, actionable steps to help you change your thoughts based on research about how the mind works.
Are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life from the inside out? Let’s begin!
What can I help you with?
How to Stop Fighting with Your Spouse About Money
My husband and I share many common interests, but our personalities are polar opposites in numerous ways. He’s messy, creative, and often takes a laid-back “I’ll do it later” approach that annoys me to no end. I’m an analytical, organized, type-A neat freak. It’s no...
How to be Happy in 4 Simple Steps
Visits to therapists skyrocket during the cold winter months. Research shows that most of us feel more sad, anxious, or irritable during the winter than we do in the summer. Some develop a serious condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is defined as...
How One Millennial Couple Saves $25000 Per Year
My husband and I are currently working on a slightly crazy goal of paying off $117,000 of student loan debt in just three years. Our combined gross income is in the mid to high five figures, so it’s not like we’re rolling in the dough. That means that in order to...
5 Ways to Upscale Your Home on a Budget
Today we have an awesome guest post from Georgia on sprucing up your home decor on a budget! If you've been reading Frugal Millennial for a while, then you know that my husband and I are currently living with my parents while we pay off $117,000 of student loan debt...
March Goals Update!
In February, I shared my goals for the month, which were mainly focused on health - physical, mental, and spiritual. On this leap day (happy 22nd birthday to my grandmother-in-law!), I'm making plans for March. This month, I plan to focus more on financial and...
Frugal Frustrations: When I Feel Like Giving Up
I have never been a big spender. I used to splurge on a few things, like fancy haircuts or expensive sunglasses, but I’ve never been one to go on crazy shopping sprees. I don’t believe that happiness can be found in a shopping mall. The best things in life are...