Your thoughts create your life.

Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and unfulfilled? Most of the advice you’ll find online can be helpful to a point, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue – your thoughts.

Okay, so if my thought patterns are the problem, HOW do I change them? My mission with this blog is to help you do just that – here you’ll find practical, actionable steps to help you change your thoughts based on research about how the mind works.

Are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life from the inside out?  Let’s begin!


Jenna Portrait

What can I help you with?


Holiday Gift Guide for Gilmore Girls Fans

Holiday Gift Guide for Gilmore Girls Fans

I have a confession to make. I'm Jen and I'm a Gilmore Girls addict. I've seen every episode dozens (okay, hundreds) of times. Even my sweet husband has watched every episode with me more than once. I could probably win some kind of record for the number of times I've...

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Christmas Gift Guide for Christian Women

Christmas Gift Guide for Christian Women

It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner...especially with only a small amount of snow here in Minnesota (I'm definitely not complaining)! Here are 10 perfect Christmas gifts for women who know the reason for the season. *Disclosure: This post...

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How to Safeguard Your Credit Score While Paying Off Debt

How to Safeguard Your Credit Score While Paying Off Debt

Did you know that paying off debt can actually damage your credit score? Your credit score is made up of five primary factors: payment history, amounts owed, length of credit history, new credit, and types of credit used. *Disclosure: This is a partnered post. Read...

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Holiday Gift Guide for Bloggers

Holiday Gift Guide for Bloggers

Over the past few years, blogging has become a huge part of my life. I've found many tools that help to make blogging a little easier. Here are 10 perfect holiday gifts for the blogger in your life! *Disclosure: This post contains affiliate...

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