Your thoughts create your life.

Are you tired of feeling anxious, stressed, and unfulfilled? Most of the advice you’ll find online can be helpful to a point, but it doesn’t get to the root of the issue – your thoughts.

Okay, so if my thought patterns are the problem, HOW do I change them? My mission with this blog is to help you do just that – here you’ll find practical, actionable steps to help you change your thoughts based on research about how the mind works.

Are you ready to rewire your brain and transform your life from the inside out?  Let’s begin!


Jenna Portrait

What can I help you with?


How to Manage OCD During the COVID-19 Pandemic

How to Manage OCD During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As I write this, it's April of 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has everyone stockpiling hand sanitizer, hoarding toilet paper, checking the news constantly, and washing their hands more than ever before. But where do we draw the line between reasonable precaution and...

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What Happened to Frugal Millennial?

What Happened to Frugal Millennial?

For those of you that used to read Frugal Millennial, you may have been a bit confused when ended up over here…on a website about intentional living. So…what happened to the personal finance blog Frugal Millennial? I started FM when my husband and I were digging our...

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