5 Ways to Save Money on Healthcare Costs
My 26th birthday was the first birthday I haven’t been excited about. Like many millennials, I remained on my parents’ health insurance plan until I turned 26. My parents are fortunate to work for an employer that offers incredible insurance. I now pay more in...

Cheap and Fun Alternative Bachelorette Party Ideas
The phrase “bachelorette party” typically brings to mind drunken bridesmaids stumbling between bars and male strip clubs. As an introvert, I find bars exhausting (and expensive) and I saw my bachelorette party as a chance to relax/bond with my girlfriends in a...

5 Free Organizing Hacks
As a child, I preferred organizing my toys over playing with them. I would line my dolls up in neat little rows and put my stuffed animals in groups based on what type of animals they were. I have always loved organizing - it clears my mind, reduces anxiety, and...

7 Things I Wish I’d Known Before I Started College
Like many millennials, I didn’t land a job immediately after finishing school. I found myself unemployed and buried in student loan debt. I was frustrated by how difficult it was to find a job (despite attending a graduate school that boasted a high job placement...

How to Survive a Big Wedding as an Introvert
When I was planning my wedding, I was excited about everything except for two parts: spending money (obviously) and being the center of attention for an entire day. I am a shy introvert. Introversion and shyness are often used interchangeably, but they are not one...

15 Part-Time Jobs That Pay Well
In 2014, the average starting salary for liberal arts graduates was $36,000 annually. For millennials who are buried in student loan debt, making ends meet on a low salary is a challenge. One way to earn some extra money is to get a part-time job, but many PT jobs...

10 Frugal Ways to Get Fit
In addition to making you feel mentally and physically refreshed, living an active lifestyle has monetary benefits in the long run (no pun intended). Obesity and lack of exercise increase your risk of heart disease, type two diabetes, cancer, and numerous other...

5 Free Photography Project Ideas
I have a passion for photography (as you’ve probably noticed!), and there are tons of awesome scrapbooking ideas online. My favorite idea is Project Life – I love how clean and organized the layouts look. Many will claim that scrapbooking can be “affordable”, but it...

20 Free Things to Do This Weekend
As a frugal millennial, I regularly evaluate my spending habits. I recently realized that I was spending too much on outings with friends. I wasn’t blowing huge amounts of money on alcohol or dinners out, but even those “cheap” things I was doing (meeting a friend...

Beware of Hidden Wedding Dress Costs: Alterations and Bustling
The average bride in the U.S. spends $1,000-$2,000 on her wedding dress. To me, spending that much on a dress you only wear once is just plain crazy. When I was able to get my dream dress for only $400 (on sale from $700), I was ecstatic. I didn’t realize then that...