

I recently shared a post called Goals Update - February 2016 on my progress toward improving my health - physically, mentally, and spiritually. My goals included: Exercise at least 5x per week (strength training at least 2x per week). Do yoga for at least 10 minutes...

Go From Hundreds of Page Views to Thousands

Go From Hundreds of Page Views to Thousands

When I first started blogging, I did what many naïve new bloggers do: I focused 95% of my time on creating new content and 5% of my time on promoting it.  For my first several months as a blogger, I shared my articles on my Facebook page and Twitter – that was all I...

How I Turned Things Around When My Life Was a Mess

How I Turned Things Around When My Life Was a Mess

I turned 27 a couple weeks ago, and it's incredible how much things have changed since my last birthday. My 26th birthday was the worst birthday ever. Why? Because my life was a complete mess. I spent the majority of my 26th birthday sobbing into my pillow.  My mom...

Why I’m Grateful For My Student Loan Debt

Why I’m Grateful For My Student Loan Debt

This blog is about destroying debt by living below your means, so it probably seems strange that I would say that I’m grateful for my student loan debt.  Obviously, there is a HUGE part of me that is not happy about my student loans. Here is why I'm grateful for my...

Why I Started a Three Year Spending Ban

Why I Started a Three Year Spending Ban

Six months ago, my husband and I realized something: we could save nearly $40,000 in interest if we paid our student loans off in three years instead of 10.  We didn’t have to remain hopeless, depressed, and trapped in debt for the next ten years. We started with...

Goals Update – February 2016

Goals Update – February 2016

Earlier this year, I wrote posts on How to Plan Your Best Year Ever and What to Do When You’re Feeling Stuck.  Both of these posts focus on the long-term, but if you want to accomplish long-term goals, you need to create small goals and continually check in on your...

Quick & Easy DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

Quick & Easy DIY Homemade Laundry Detergent

I love saving money in pretty much any way I can.  Still, I’ll admit that every time I come across an article about how to make DIY cleaning or beauty products, I skip over it. However this is a simple quick & easy DIY homemade laundry detergent that is easy to...

10 Cheap & Fun Winter Activities

10 Cheap & Fun Winter Activities

Winter may seem like a good time to hibernate inside and binge watch Netflix (especially if you’re trying not to spend money), but there actually are a ton of fun things that can be done for free during the snowy winter months.  Staying active and spending some time...

Minimalism Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Minimalism Isn’t as Bad as You Think

Today, Heather Shue (a fellow Minnesotan who blogs at Simply Save) is sharing her thoughts on minimalism!  Enjoy! ~~~  When people hear the word “minimalism” I think they sometimes picture a person who lives in an empty echoing apartment, with bare white walls, and...

How to Write an Awesome Resume

How to Write an Awesome Resume

One of the biggest challenges that millennials face is finding a job after finishing college.  The average student graduates with $30,000 of student loan debt, which makes the pressure to find a “good” job quite high. Many recent grads lack relevant experience in...