Frugal Tip: Get a Second Opinion
This summer has been the summer of health scares and unexpected expenses. First, my father-in-law nearly died from a sinus infection that went into his brain (luckily, he pulled through and is doing much better now) and we made an impromptu out-of-state trip to visit...

5 Tips for Traveling on a Budget
We all live busy, stress-filled lives, and sometimes we’re so busy that we forget to give ourselves a break. Research has shown that vacations can help to reduce stress, stave off burnout, strengthen bonds with loved ones, and promote overall well-being. If you’re...

9 Ways to Relieve Muscle Tension When You Can’t Afford a Massage
Over the past couple of months, I’ve experienced frequent muscle tension in the back of my neck, shoulders, and upper back. As much as I’d love to get a massage, I just can’t afford it right now. Instead, I’ve tried numerous other (free!) techniques for muscle...

Which Debt Payoff Method is Better – The Snowball or The Avalanche?
If you don’t know who Dave Ramsey is, you might not be familiar with the concept of the “debt snowball.” So, what the heck does that even mean? A “debt snowball” means paying off your smallest debts first, while making the minimum payments on your larger debts. Once...

Boomerang Kids Don’t Have it Easy
Something exciting recently happened – I shared my journey to debt freedom on The Penny Hoarder (the most popular personal finance website on the internet). Sharing my story on PH was a dream come true, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled that they accepted my...

Kick Off Summer with a Financial Cleanse: 6 Ways to Make it a Success!
*Disclosure: This guest post is sponsored by CO-OP Financial Services. Just a couple weeks ago marked the first day of summer! In celebration of the new season, maybe it’s time to shed your money mistakes of the past and jump start that financial cleanse that’s been...

Month in Review: June 2016
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Overall, June was an AMAZING month! It's been hectic and crazy, but it has also been SO worth it. Two wonderful things happened: this blog earned triple digits in income for the first time, and the hubby and I adopted...

Ridiculous Wedding Etiquette Rules that Need to Change
When I was planning my wedding, I was amazed by how many strict, deeply-ingrained wedding etiquette rules still exist today. Despite the fact that couples have become less traditional than they were in the past (many live together before marriage and have no need for...

How Much of Personal Finance is Luck?
I’m going to say something that might irritate some personal finance bloggers: A sizable portion of your net worth is based on luck. Some of the best financial “decisions” I’ve made in my life were simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time. And...

My Personal Finance Aha Moment
The following blog post is part of The Road to Financial Wellness blog tour. The Road to Financial Wellness is a three-month, grassroots campaign promoting financial empowerment on a national level and encourages people to pursue their dream lifestyle. Find out more...