5 Free Money Making Apps You’ve Never Heard of
If you're like most millennials, you probably spend a lot of time on your phone. Why not use a little bit of this time to save money? There's an app for everything these days. Here are my top 5 favorite (free) money saving apps! *Disclosure: This post contains...

The Cost of Being Female: 5 Ways to Tackle Heavy Periods
I've struggled with miserable periods for nearly two decades. From migraines and back pain to mood swings and excruciating cramps, my monthly curse has always been a nightmare. Can you relate? Many women suffer in silence due to embarrassment or a fear of not being...

The Real Reason Why You’re Always Broke
“I’m going to be broke for the rest of my life.” Someone said this to me the other day. It was sad but also a little frustrating. This person continuously makes bad choices and expects that somehow everything will work out fine anyway. While there certainly are some...

Juicing on a Budget? Here’s What You Need to Know
Ready to be healthier? One popular method is juicing. You've probably heard of this trend, but did you know that juicing has many benefits? Juicing has been shown to: Help with weight loss Allow your body to get more nutrients and vitamins Boost energy levels Improve...

10 Debt-Free Instagram Accounts That’ll Inspire You to Save Money
I love Instagram. Social media has a bad reputation for encouraging #comparisonitis and making us feel lousy about our own lives, but there's an amazing debt-free community on Instagram. These Instagrammers encourage each other to avoid excessive consumerism, save...

3 Crucial Ways Dave Ramsey is Wrong About Money
“If you were smarter than Dave Ramsey, you wouldn’t be in this mess.” Yikes! Someone posted this on Instagram, and I was completely taken aback. Who is Dave Ramsey? If you aren’t familiar with Dave Ramsey, he’s a personal finance guru who has authored several books,...

5 Secrets to Becoming a Master Bargain Hunter
My husband and I are planning to buy our first home in less than a year, so there's a ton of stuff we'll need to buy. From furniture to kitchen appliances to bath items to organizing supplies, furnishing our home could end up costing thousands of dollars. We...

6 Kitchen Upgrades You Can Complete Yourself
If you watch HGTV at all or are versed in real estate, you know that a kitchen remodel will give you the biggest return on your investment when it comes time to sell. However, not everyone has deep enough pockets to outsource the entire project. Fortunately, the...

40 Free Things to do This Summer for Broke Millennials
Looking for something fun (and free) to do this summer with your family or friends? Summer is the best time of year for frugal, budget-friendly activities! There are tons of fun things that can be done for free during the summer months. Check out these 40 ideas!...

How to Financially Plan for a Chronic Illness
I was eight years old the first time a bleeding episode sent me to the emergency room. My parents had pulled my tooth the night before, and I woke up in the middle of the night to a strange sensation on my face. I got up, looked in the mirror, and screamed. My face...