How to Get the Most Cash for Your Old Cell Phone
Have you ever sold an old cell phone for less than you thought it was worth? To find the best deal, you'd have to search through multiple different cell phone trade in sites, which can be quite time-consuming. What if you could compare deals across the leading cell...

Why Paying Off $127,000 of Debt Didn’t Make Me Happy
I was a little hesitant to write this post because I thought it might come off the wrong way. "I paid off $127,000 of debt and I'm not happy". Cry me a river, right?! What a terrible problem to have! Let me start by saying that I am SO...

4 Podcasts That Will Change Your Money Mindset
I LOVE podcasts. They're free, they're entertaining, and they make a long car ride or walk on the treadmill so much more enjoyable. It's probably not surprising that I particularly like podcasts about personal finance. These podcasts help us to learn more about...

75 Items You’re Forgetting to Include in Your Budget
Many people dislike budgeting. It’s a process of trial and error, and when our budgets fail, we often get frustrated and want to give up. Remember that budgeting is a learning process. Your first few months probably won’t go perfectly smoothly, and that’s okay! ...

Too Many Bills and Not Enough Income? Here’s the Solution
As a personal finance blogger, I like to ask my readers what their biggest financial problems are so that I can provide useful content to them. When I ask all of you what your biggest financial challenges are, the most common answer is this: too many bills and not...

Why Suze Orman is Wrong About Money
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that I'm a HUGE Dave Ramsey fan. Reading his book The Total Money Makeover shifted my perspective about money and changed my life. A few years after finding Dave, my husband and I have paid off over $127,000 in...

How to Go to the Gym For Under $5 Per Month
Is one of your New Year’s resolutions to get in shape and join a gym? Ironically, you may have another resolution about getting your financial life together. Joining a gym that costs $100/month and looks more like a luxury spa might not be conducive to that goal....

The One Skill You Need to Master to Get Out of Debt
The average American household carries over $130,000 in debt. Contrast that with the median household income of just over $59,000, and it's quite clear that many Americans are living well beyond their means. Your typical adult pays $280/month on her student loans,...

The Best Things to Buy at HomeGoods – And The Worst
I LOVE HomeGoods. My husband and I are planning to buy our first home in a few months, and there are tons of things we'll need to buy for our home. Luckily, we discovered HomeGoods...where we can find plenty of high quality items for a super low price! *Note: This...

5 Terrible Money Habits Keeping You Broke
Many of us set New Year’s resolutions about saving money this year, but 80% of resolutions are abandoned by February. Like it or not, most of the financial choices we make in life are based on habits rather than thoughtful consideration. Here are some of the most...