How to Make Better Financial Choices
If you're reading this blog, you probably want to make better financial choices. In the past, you may have racked up debt, ignored your budget, spent too much money, or made some other questionable decisions related to money. I've been there. A few years ago, my...
The Real Reason Why You Can’t Break Your Bad Money Habits
Dave Ramsey says that "personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior". In other words, you can know everything you need to know in order to succeed financially, but if you don't actually do these things, you won't achieve financial peace. I see this ALL the...
20 Smart Ways to Stop Being Broke Right Now
Are you tired of feeling broke? I've been there. Just four years ago, my husband and I were buried in $117,000 of student loan debt. Now, we're 100% debt-free! Having no debt payments means our money can go toward things we actually want... like a house, saving for...
Personal Finance Summarized in 9 Simple Sentences
If your finances are a mess, the idea of getting your financial life together may seem a bit daunting. No worries! Fixing your money situation won’t be easy and it’ll take some hard work, but the concepts are actually quite simple. Personal finance can be summarized...
How to Budget on a Variable Income
As a personal finance blogger, I get a lot of questions from readers about how to budget on a variable income. Budgeting is hard enough for most people. Throw in an income that varies wildly from month to month, and it's no wonder people get frustrated with trying to...
How to Get the Most Cash for Your Old Cell Phone
Have you ever sold an old cell phone for less than you thought it was worth? To find the best deal, you'd have to search through multiple different cell phone trade in sites, which can be quite time-consuming. What if you could compare deals across the leading cell...
Why Paying Off $127,000 of Debt Didn’t Make Me Happy
I was a little hesitant to write this post because I thought it might come off the wrong way. "I paid off $127,000 of debt and I'm not happy". Cry me a river, right?! What a terrible problem to have! Let me start by saying that I am SO...
4 Podcasts That Will Change Your Money Mindset
I LOVE podcasts. They're free, they're entertaining, and they make a long car ride or walk on the treadmill so much more enjoyable. It's probably not surprising that I particularly like podcasts about personal finance. These podcasts help us to learn more about...
75 Items You’re Forgetting to Include in Your Budget
Many people dislike budgeting. It’s a process of trial and error, and when our budgets fail, we often get frustrated and want to give up. Remember that budgeting is a learning process. Your first few months probably won’t go perfectly smoothly, and that’s okay! ...
Too Many Bills and Not Enough Income? Here’s the Solution
As a personal finance blogger, I like to ask my readers what their biggest financial problems are so that I can provide useful content to them. When I ask all of you what your biggest financial challenges are, the most common answer is this: too many bills and not...