“When I argue with reality, I suffer.” – Byron Katie

Byron Katie is an author who has written several bestselling books, including Loving What Is: Four Questions that Can Change Your Life.

Katie says that suffering comes from our thoughts, and she offers a four-step process for examining thoughts that are causing us pain.

  1. Is this thought true?
  2. Can I absolutely know that it’s true?
  3. How do I react when I think this thought?
  4. Who would I be without this thought?

Lastly, Katie recommends “turning it around” and considering how the opposite of your thought could be equally true. Thoughts are not facts.

We have an estimated 30,000 thoughts per day and 99.9% of those thoughts are NOT objective observations of reality (although we often assume that they are). Most thoughts are opinions, perceptions, and completely subjective interpretations of reality.

When you’re faced with a particular situation, there are thousands of different ways you could think about it.

Don’t believe everything you think.