You Are NOT the Sum of the Five People Closest to You

You Are NOT the Sum of the Five People Closest to You

“You are the sum of the five people with whom you spend the most time.” Have you ever heard this idea? A LOT of people seem to believe this, and I understand where they’re coming from. It is true that human beings DO have a tendency to mirror one another. If...
Emotions are NOT Contagious

Emotions are NOT Contagious

Have you ever heard the phrase “emotions are contagious”? I majored in psychology and this idea that emotions are contagious is something that I remember very well from my classes. The idea is that if somebody else is in a bad mood or a good mood, that will “rub off”...
Grief Isn’t Supposed to Look A Certain Way

Grief Isn’t Supposed to Look A Certain Way

Five years. I still remember where I was when I got the call. I was on my way home from work and I immediately turned around and drove straight to my parents’ house. I remember how I felt like I was being punched in the stomach…even though I’d seen it coming. We’d...
When I argue with reality, I suffer.

When I argue with reality, I suffer.

“When I argue with reality I lose, but only 100% of the time.” – Byron Katie We spend a lot of time being frustrated about things we can’t control – situations, other people – instead of focusing on the one thing we can control – which is ourselves.    ...