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Comparisonitis – The Real Reason Why You’re Jealous and How to Stop Comparing
There are numerous Bible verses that instruct us not to be jealous. Proverbs 14:30 says this: “A sound heart [is] the life of the flesh, but envy the rottenness of the bones.” Yikes! This is just one of many examples that can be found throughout the Bible....
Feeling Overwhelmed? How to be Calm in the Middle of Chaos
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic began, many of us were feeling stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed much of the time. As a Type A person, I often feel like there’s never enough time to get everything done. My mind is like a reel of never-ending to-do lists. With this...
What The Weirdest Year Ever Taught Me
I think we can all agree that 2020 has been pretty much the weirdest year ever. We’ve all been impacted by the global pandemic, political divisiveness, and social unrest. On top of that, we’re all dealing with personal challenges as well. For me, 2020 brought some...
What Ambiguous Loss Is – And Why It Matters
Ambiguous loss, a term coined by psychologist Pauline Boss, is a loss that occurs without closure or clear understanding. This complicates the grieving process and often results in unresolved or “frozen” grief. There are two types of ambiguous loss: Physical absence...
9 Practical Ways to Be a Little Happier Every Day
Who doesn’t want to be happier? While some people are blessed with the natural ability to be happy most of the time, this is not the case for most of us. The average person has 60,000 thoughts in a day and 80% of those thoughts are negative. The good news is that...
8 Surprising Tips for Reducing Anxiety – With Your Thoughts
Anxiety impacts all of us. Even if you’ve never experienced clinical levels of anxiety yourself, chances are high that someone in your circle has. 1 in 4 Americans will experience anxiety at some point in their lives. When we have a problem (with anxiety or with...
How to Love Difficult People
Luke 6:32 says “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit for that? Even sinners love those who love them.” For most of us, it’s easy to be loving and kind when people are kind to us. Loving difficult people, on the other hand, is much more...
When Life Feels Unfair, Read This
I recently listened to an episode of Cultivate a Good Life (an amazing podcast, by the way!) called Show Up! The guest, Natalie Norton, was sharing her story…and it was heartbreaking. Her beloved brother passed away and shortly afterward, she lost her infant son to...
Why We Need to Cancel “Cancel Culture”
The term “cancel culture” has been buzzing around quite a bit lately. So what is cancel culture? Is it even a real thing? Wikipedia defines this trend as “a form of public shaming in which targets are publicly humiliated on the internet, via social media platforms,...
Love Intentional Living? Why You Should Try Scrapbooking
I know a lot of people who are not interested in scrapbooking. Typically, they say they don’t have time, it’s too expensive, or they just don’t like it. Some people hesitate to cut up their photos, and others think traditional scrapbooking layouts look tacky or...
20 Inspiring Quotes About Embracing Uncertainty
I think we can all agree that we never would've guessed what the year 2020 had in store for us. We had never imagined that words like "quarantine", "social distancing", and "shelter in place" would become commonplace. No one anticipated that in March of 2020, there...
Untangling White Privilege – What is It?
I will admit that I used to be resistant to the idea of white privilege. I thought that the concept of privilege somehow implied that I should feel guilty for being born white – something I obviously had no control over. I remember thinking…how can rich black kids be...